3 Best Habits That Would Benefit Your Body Now | iSavta
3 Best Habits That Would Benefit Your Body Now

There are habits on your daily life that you may have been accustomed to doing. These habits have in one way or another made your life easier or difficult. As you have been doing these habits in a long time, you may no longer be aware that some have ill effects in your body or in your life as a whole. However, it is never too late for you to reorganize some few things and adjust a little to benefit your body and take advantage of things that have been proven effective and helpful to many.


  1. Drink Water At The Right Time

We all know that drinking water is good for our health. In fact, we are encouraged to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. However, do you know that there is a right time to drink a glass of water to get its optimal benefit? Yes, there is a time for everything, even drinking a glass of water.


It is advised by the experts that it is really good to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning after waking up. It helps remove toxins from your body before you even take your first meal of the day. It also helps you hydrate your body after 8 hours of not drinking fluid. Have another drink of a glass of water at least 30 minutes before meal and then 1 hour after meal. Drinking water before taking a bath helps lower your blood pressure. It is also beneficial to drink a glass of water before 2 hours before bedtime. This will help replenish your body with fluid.



  1. Sleep And Wake Up Early

Having enough sleep is known to optimize health. It boosts mood, benefits weight, and heart health. But it is said that sleeping early is more beneficial to people as it provides more time for them to have enough sleep before the regular wake up time of 7am or 8am. Sleeping early gives your body a hint that you can also wake up early and become ready to jumpstart your day. Recent studies show that people who sleep and wake up early are more productive than those who are late nighters. People who identify themselves as early risers are happier, and feeling healthier.



  1. Stretch Your Body

Do you know that stretching in the morning is a normal reflex your body does to awaken your muscles and prepare your body for the day? Yes. In fact, stretching in the morning has a lot of really good effects in the body. It improves circulation and it loosens up tight muscles. Stretching also promotes better posture and flexibility. Flexible muscles can do you good in preparation for an active daily routine. It warms muscles and it prevents injury for athletes. It also relaxes muscles and lessens stress physically and mentally.


Another benefit of stretching is that it enhances coordination by keeping full range of motion for the joints. The result is that you get better mobilization and gives you better balance.


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