5 Tips to Overcome Caregiver Fatigue | iSavta
5 Tips to Overcome Caregiver Fatigue

Taking care of someone strains the very being of even the most resilient people especially those who were not trained to be a Caregiver, people who were tasked to take care of someone ill without even understanding the fundamentals of this profession.


Caregiving is Stressful


That’s the hard truth. Not everyone can be a caregiver. You have to have the resiliency that will see you through caregiving. There are risks that include social isolation, depression, feeling overwhelmed, and feeling emotionally drained most of the time.


But there are some ways that you can overcome Caregiver fatigue:


  1. Focus on the things that you can provide and good at


Caregiving is not supposed to be done by just one person. You can’t just do it all. Like any other thing, there are limitations on what you can do. Focus on the things that you’re good at. As a home-based Caregiver, your main job is to make the life of your patient much easier and safer, making sure your patient is clean, well-fed, taking medications on time and safe. Other concerns are his/her family and physician’s responsibilities.


  1. Pay attention to your health


Lack of sleep, not eating on time, and stress are just a few things that are taking a toll on the Caregiver’s health. If you will not pay attention to your health and your well-being, you may end up getting sick and that will create a great concern not just to you but to your patient and your family back home. Exercise, enough sleep, and eating healthy are essential to maintain or improve your health and avoid fatigue.


  1. Have social support


Fatigue is not just about feeling tired physically but it is also about your mental health. If you are emotionally imbalanced, it will manifest physically and it will make you feel tired all the time without you doing anything. Take time to see your friends, join a support group or talk to your family. Seek for affirmations from your loved ones and those you care about. Your mental health is important as your physical health.


  1. Ask for Help


As mentioned above, caregiving is not supposed to be done by one person. You need to ask for help. There are things which you cannot manage all by yourself. It is important to know who to call or where to go in case of emergency.


  1. De-stress and Meditate


To do this, you have to set a time for yourself every day. Have a quiet time and contemplate on your goals and how you can achieve them. Free yourself from negativity and examine your life. Are you still happy? Is it the right time to shift your career? Ask these questions to yourself and answer them with honesty.

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