Important Things to Know in Choosing Pets for Senior Adults | iSavta
Important Things to Know in Choosing Pets for Senior Adults

Senior adults may be inclined to get pets and you, as the caregiver, can help the senior adults in choosing pets. 


Although we can identify the benefits in having pets for seniors, we also have to know the challenges of having pets in aging adults and other things that we need to know about it. In caring for our elderly patients, we have to guide them in these decisions that can, in one way or another, affect their health and well-being. 


What Kind of Pet Should You Choose?


Taking in a pet in your home will be challenging but most of the first-time pet owners would probably ask: what kind of pet should I choose? Let us help you with these basic questions that can help your decision-making.


  1. What is the health status of your senior patient? This is an important question to ask because they might have mobility challenges, pet allergies, and existing illnesses that can flare-up. 
  2. Are you considering to get from a breeder for that specific animal? One should also consider the life span of the animal. If you are getting a dog, different breeds have a different life span from each other. But most likely, they are still pups when you get them, then it entails more work with a 3-month old puppy compared to a slightly older animal. 
  3. Are you leaning on to getting adult animals from rescue centers? You also have to understand that some adult animals from rescue centers are also seniors, so they might also require extra attention and more expenses to help them get through their lives. 
  4. What is your senior’s temperament? You have to consider their temperament because you need to match it with the kind of animal that you are deciding to get, specific breed of that animal, and other factors. 
  5. How much would you be willing to spend on your pet? Consider the amount that you will need to spend to take care of your pets. They are living and breathing beings and they need you to take care of them too. 


Challenges of Having Pets in Aging Adults


1. Physically, having pets can be taxing. And for aging adults, it can be very taxing when it comes to a point that they will have health problems or are dealing with one. Some seniors who have problems with mobility most probably won’t be able to make those long walks with their pets. 


2. Pets can be tripping hazards for any senior who are having problems with walking and balance issues. 


3. Cost and expenses for grooming and maintaining the good health of pets may be surprisingly high. Also, it might cost higher for older pets. 


4. Elder adults may also have concerns about getting infectious diseases. 


Some Recommended Alternatives


If all of the above challenges we mentioned are a bit too much for you, then you can look into some other options. 


1. Robotic pets

When it comes to a point in senior adults that they cannot physically take care of real animals, these robotic pets can be good alternatives. These lifelike robot animals are also especially given to patients with Dementia and Alzheimer’s. 


2. Plants and Gardening

If taking care of pets can be difficult for your senior adults, then how about some gardening? There are plants like succulents and indoor plants that only require low maintenance like less water and less sunlight. 


3. Arts and Crafts

Giving in to a little art and crafts can be a good option. There are adult coloring books that you can try with your senior patient. And probably some recycled crafts that you both can do. 


More on Pets and Seniors


However difficult or challenging it may be, the benefits of having pets at home for seniors can overweigh these other challenging stuff that you have learned. Decide on what works best for your senior adult and you. 

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