What in the world is #KonMari? | iSavta
What in the world is #KonMari?

Exactly! Most you must be wondering what is #KonMari. By this time, you must have also seen videos of a Japanese lady folding clothes or giving a talk. You might think that it can help you organize your things in your flat or your patient’s room? Yes you definitely can!


Marie Kondo developed the KonMari method in her bestseller book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”. Netflix  isalsorunning a series “Tidying up with Marie Kondo” and has since continued “sparking joy” in the world.


Spark joy? What is that? If you are one of those people who have been looking for a way to fix your things then this may help you. KonMari is the process of organizing one’s belongings one category at a time and making sure that each item has its “own home”. 


Marie Kondo discusses how we can change how to look at things in our lives by also imagining what we want in our future. KonMari method breaks down your things into 5 categories: (1) clothing, (2) books, (3) paper, (4) Komono which includes kitchen, bathroom, garage and miscellaneous items, and (5) sentimental items.

With each category, you have to pile them up in one place or put them all together so you can see the quantity of that category. It may be overwhelming at first but you will then know what you want to keep and discard. 


According to Marie Kondo, you have to ask yourself what only “sparks joy” in your life. In Japanese, the term is “tokimeku” which means flutter, throb or palpitate. It basically means that our body can then tell if we like using this item or how much it means to us.


How to decide which things to keep: 

Holding each piece to your heart, like a blouse or a pair of sneakers, you can then ask yourself if it “sparks joy” in your life and if you would like to bring it into your future by giving it a specific place in your home.


Spark Joy? ---YES: Keep. Find a specific place for each item.


Spark Joy? ---NO: Thank the item for its use and the lessons you learned from it. 


Do this in all of the categories and you will find it easier to decide what to keep and discard. 


There are a lot of online cheat sheets and videos about KonMari method especially how to fold clothes. KonMari is just one way of helping you to decide what to do with loads of your belongings. Try to take your time in this process. 


Happy cleaning for a Happy New Year everyone!


Let us know if you would like us to feature more of cleaning up your space and tips in tidying up. 

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