Add To Favorites: New Feature on iSavta
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Add To Favorites: New Feature on iSavta

We Make Life Easier For You!

iSavta is introducing a new feature on the website, “ADD TO FAVORITES!”. If you are browsing for employers on the site, you would probably miss out the information by just closing the site and won’t be able to find that particular employer when you sign back in.

Well, we made life easier for you! Right now, you can click the “Add to Favorites” feature on the site and that particular employer that you are interested in will be bookmarked or saved on your account. In that way, it will be easier for you to find them again. You don’t have to browse the whole job openings menu on the website to find that employer.

By opening the job profile, you will be able to see the “add to favorites” button just below the contact number. You can click that button and that particular employer will be listed under your “Favorites” on the site homepage. Everytime you open your account, you will see the list of those employers that you added to favorites.

You also have an option to delete them from your list buy just going into the job profile and click “Remove from Favorites”.

iSavta will continue to update our website as well as our services to make your life more easier!


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