Salary Landing | iSavta

Salary Landing English

New on iSavta! Direct hiring service

Save at least 500 NIS per month, each month. Sign up now!

             Bituach Leumi encourages getting the nursing benefits directly, to your bank account, in order to save the very high commissions by all mediators.

Direct employment of caregivers can save you at least 500 NIS each month. In addition you'll have more flexibility in hiring relievers while your caregiver is on vacation. Another benefit - you can get money to your bank account even when you don't employ a caregiver.

Join today!

  • Save a lot of money every month
  • Automated system that creates the salary slip, including built-in translation to the caregivers' language, monthly reminders, confirmation by the caregiver, and online records at your personal zone (instead of the papers file...)
  • High flexibility when hiring relievers and temp caregivers
  • Receive money even when not employing a caregiver