Terror Attack: 10 Things to Remember | iSavta
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Terror Attack: 10 Things to Remember

For those who grew up and live in Israel all their lives, facing the threat of terrorism, antisemitism and never ending prejudice against you or your race, these things became normal and leave you no choice but live with it. 

But, until when you will be afraid for your life or the lives of your loved ones? 

Terrorism is everywhere in the world. But, what Israeli suffered through centuries over centuries of war and prejudism, no one can ever imagine but them. And no one can ever endure but them.

With what's happening these past few days, not only the unconventional life that Israeli calls normal was affected. It also affects the very soul of the Jewish people. 

But, if you are not a Jew or an Israeli, it doesn't mean you have nothing to worry about. You also have to be vigilant and keep yourself safe as possible.

Do you remember the story of a Nepalese Caregiver who was stabbed by a Palestinian? Read her story here: Foreign Worker Fell Victim To Terror Attack

Here are some things that you have to keep in mind:

1. Stay Home and Stay Safe - In times like this, there's nothing safer than your home with your employer. Lock your door and be very particular with anyone who visits you or try to break into your door.

2. Terrorism is Blind - It does not matter if you are a Jew or not. It can happen anywhere to anyone.

3. Be ALERT - The rational head should always go first and not the scared heart. Know what to do if caught up in a situation. Do not panic. 

4. If you notice a suspicious object:

  • Dont touch or move it.
  • Stay away from the area.
  • Call the Police Hotline (dial 100)
  • Warn other people but do not cause panic

5. If you notice a suspicious person, take note of this:

  • Heavily/inappropriately dressed in summer
  • Overly nervous or excited
  • Secretly contacting other people
  • Might be hiding weapons

6. Stay Away From Crowded Places - postponed your plans of going to public and crowded places until the situation calm down.

7. Be careful on Public Utility Vehicles such as buses, taxies or sherut.

8. If you find yourself under attack:

  • If you are at home - lock the doors and windows
  • If you are in a public place - run for exits or hide if necessary.
  • Make sure your phone is in silent mode.
  • Call the police or ask help immediately.

9. If you hear explosions or shots fired:

  • Staw away from the area
  • Move away from the source or commotion.
  • Call the police immediately

Israel security is one of the best in the world. But, desperate people whose goal is the kill and spread fear will always find a way to fulfill it.

Remember, if you are aware and know what to do, you always have a better chance when caught up in such unfortunate situation.

Keep safe Everyone!

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