How To Beat The Blues This December | iSavta
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How To Beat The Blues This December

December, the season of holidays, is a time of joy, and a time of celebration for families around the world. For those who are far away from their families, however, a little sadness may creep in. 

Being away from your family may be rough, and you may try to cope with celebrating with a little alcohol, or a little too much. While a little wine (or beer) may be okay, good for you even, the truth is that some of us “self-medicate” or try to drown our sorrows by partying. 

In order to cope with the December blues, we give you a few tips, healthier alternatives to deal with the sadness and the separation from loved ones. 

Increase The Communication. Let’s face it: partying and getting drunk are poor substitutes for what you really want: spending time with the ones you love back home. So even though you may feel like “Skype is just not the same as really spending time with them,” it’s still better than drowning your loneliness in parties and outings that can never satisfy. 

Skype more often. Daily, even.  Change the thought that being in the presence of your family and loved ones is irreplaceable. You may find that it’s more fun to Skype or Google Hangout with your children than going out and getting drunk with people you barely know.

Explore the new tools and websites for communication: If you’re married, there are a lot of new apps to help you both connect exclusively: 

If you have children, especially teenage children, you may want to ask them if they’d feel comfortable connecting with you on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. It may be awkward, and you may even make social media mistakes at the start, but it’s worth the learning curve and the lessons learned to be able to have fun with your kids online. 

If you have an iPhone, another iOS device such as an iPad or an iPod Touch, iOS-exclusive communication apps are available: iMessage and FaceTime are great for connecting as a family, and you may even be able to share photos through Apple’s Photostreams. If you have Blackberries in your family, BBM is a great way to connect, too. And BBM is now available on the Android and on iOS.

Improve Yourself.  Did you sacrifice your own education in order to provide a better education for your children? Then there is no better time to pursue your own self-improvement than these holidays.

If you have a vacation leave from work and you have time for yourself, now is the time to go back to learning something new. 

Take online courses from educational institutions. There are websites that offer paid lessons with certifications. If you want to take an online degree, look up “online education with certification” or “online degrees with certificates” on Google, and choose courses from accredited educational institutions. Best if you choose degrees from universities. Don’t trust programs from websites that have no actual schools attached to them. Choose only from official universities. 

Take paid courses to learn a new skill. Did you want to learn how to make websites? Graphic design? Write? Blog? There are websites that offer great courses where you could learn these skills: 

Better yet, take FREE courses to learn new skills. Just because it’s “FREE,” it doesn’t mean that it’s “not good enough,” or even “no good.” Free online courses are actually really good, and some even come with certifications and degrees.

Online Skills-Specific Learning Websites: 

For more free courses, read this article: The Best Websites for Free Online Courses, Certificates, Degrees, and Educational Resources

Learn from other people. There are new learning websites that have been launched, filled with great user-generated, user-curated content. This means that other people who were interested in certain subject matters compiled these materials, and made it easier for other people to learn them: 

Do you want to improve your personality? Read more, especially on self-help and psychology. Maybe you don’t want to learn academic things or you’re not particularly interested in learning a new skill, but you’d like to improve how you see life, and possibly even how you handle finances. Here are great websites to visit often: 

As you can see, December does not need to be a time to be sad. It can be a fruitful time, a time to learn, and a time to be more productive. It can be a time where you’ll discover new ways to connect with the ones you love. 

Three more ways that you can beat the sadness more constructively this December.

Choose Your Friends. As they say, “Tell me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you who you are.” They also say that “Bad company corrupts good character.” You may think that these are values of a bygone era, a forgotten time, and you may even think that these quotes are “corny,” but these are timeless truths. 

When you’re around negative people, do you notice that you eventually turn more negative, even bitter? Toxicity can be passed around. So surround yourself with positive, wholesome influences.

Remember that most of us have families and children back home, so being around good people makes us good people, which also makes us good influences for our children back home. 

Focus On The Food! Parties could be about the food and the drinks, but you can still, definitely, have a great time without the drinks, or even with just a drink or two. 

Enjoy the food more, drink moderately, and still have a great time. It’s all about sharing life, having fun, and being surrounded by people who will nourish us emotionally, socially, and fill our need for interaction. 

There’s no better glue for a great time than food, so focus on the food and the good company, and you’ll have a better time this December. 

Make Or Learn How To Make Great Food. If you’ve been thinking about learning how to prepare new recipes, learn how to perfect the tried and tested ones in your arsenal, and even start to learn how to cook, this is the perfect time. 

With parties all around, this is the best time to share and showcase the recipes you’ve been wanting to learn and perfect. Try your hand at cooking, and share your dishes with the parties you’ll attend! Your friends will appreciate your effort, and if you made great food, you’ll find that it’s very satisfying to be appreciated and celebrated for your cooking. 

December is the time to share, and share life fabulously. It’s time to choose life, and choose good things. Remember that whatever you choose will always have an effect on the ones you love, so choose wisely. Celebrate and choose life!

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