Alternative Vitamins that Help Boost the Immune System | iSavta
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Alternative Vitamins that Help Boost the Immune System

Have you taken megadoses of Vitamin C in order to fight COVID19? Have pharmacies near you  already run out of stocks? Yes, people are panicking. What if their neighbors get infected? What if they got exposed to a COVID-19 positive person, or even suspected persons, and they don’t have Vitamin C? Would their immune systems be able to fight off the virus? Or would they easily get infected because there isn’t any Vitamin C left being sold in the pharmacies?


Many doctors agree that taking supplements is best for people with certain conditions, or to those with diet restrictions (probably due to religious practices or other personal preferences - like vegans.) Healthy people who eat a well-balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, whole grains and dairy products, most probably don’t need to take supplements. Most of the time, the recommended daily values of essential vitamins that our bodies need are already in the food we eat. But if you think you are not eating a well-balanced diet, it is appropriate to take supplements. However, please be cautious in taking megadoses of vitamins, this can increase the risk in getting side effects especially to children.


While Vitamin C may be the most popular in the market, and is often taken in megadoses, its recommended daily amount is only 65mg to 90mg per day, with an upper limit of 2000mg per day. One medium-sized orange contains around 70mg of Vitamin C. Even if it is readily available (and is better taken) through food sources, Vitamin C supplements are still extremely in high-demand. If your local drug stores have already run out of stocks, there is no need to worry. 


It is good to know that there are many other vitamins that help our immune system. In this article, we will discuss some of these vitamins, their recommended daily intake, and their natural sources.


Vitamin B6


Also known as Pyridoxine, Vitamin B6 is important in brain development, and in keeping the nervous system & immune system functioning well. It promotes the metabolism of protein and carbohydrates, at the same time, it also helps in the production of red blood cells. RBCs carry adequate oxygen in the blood going to the tissues. 


Anemia is a condition that occurs when there isn’t enough oxygen in the tissues. This condition causes one to feel tired or weak. It can also cause dizziness, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeats, confusion, depression and weakened immune system.


The recommended dietary allowance for adults is between 1.3mg to 1.7mg, recommended maximum daily intake in 80mg. Supplement preparations are usually in the form of B-Complex Vitamins, which is composed of other B Vitamins. All of them help in maintaining good health. In terms of natural sources, bananas, whole grains, poultry and fish products, soybeans, nuts, and peas. 


Vitamin E


Important for vision, reproduction, and the health of the brain, skin and blood. It is a fat-soluble vitamin. Recently, Vitamin E has become increasingly popular as an antioxidant, which means it helps the body fight against free radicals and helps protect and repair damaged cells. Studies are continually being conducted on the benefits of using Vitamin E. 


While it may be promising, experts continue to remind us to follow the recommended daily allowance of 15mg/day with and should not exceed 1000mg/day. This is to reduce the risk of side effects. Vitamin E can be sourced from the following food products: vegetable oils, wheat germ, whole-grain products, avocados and nuts especially almonds. 

Multivitamins & minerals that provide for the recommended daily values would be a great option. Not only can we benefit from one vitamin, they usually have all the other essential nutrients. Again, we still recommend for you to eat a wide-variety of Go, Grow & Glow foods, these will already provide the necessary vitamins and minerals to help our immune system function well. Even if pharmacies run out of supplements, there is no need to panic as long as you eat a well-balanced diet.

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