Dealing With Loneliness Away from Home | iSavta
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Dealing With Loneliness Away from Home


One of the struggles of being away from home is loneliness. It is not just being alone but the feeling of loneliness that is brought about by being away from the people close to our hearts. And it not surprising that people, in the end go back home. They say, there is no place like home. But for some of us, there is not much of a choice. 

Employment opportunities are scarce back home and we have to go somewhere that can pay us much more and can pay the bills back home. The majority of us are breadwinners and our families depend solely on the money we earn. So we put up with all the inconvenient truths about working abroad from homesickness to low quality jobs plus having to put up with our crazy bosses or that we need to adapt and accept harsh living conditions that are common in foreign land. How do we cope? What are our options? Well, there is hope, and there are better ways to better ourselves, not just in dealing with loneliness but overcoming it and coming on top.


  • Acknowledge the matter


            You have to recognize that it is a struggle that you are dealing at the moment. You have to accept that the loneliness you feel is true and valid. Do not attempt to deny or let it slip away from your current consciousness and eventually will haunt you in the future. You have to acknowledge that it is happening and then do something about it. With this, you will be able to answer why it is happening and where it is coming from.


  • Do something about it


            If things or situations that led into this cannot be changed at the moment, there is still a thing called adaptation. Adapt to the changes in your life. Where you are at is where you should be. If you can’t change the situation, change your perspective about it. Why do you feel lonely? What brought you to this? What can be done? Through this, you can focus on the things you can control. One is, your perspective. The other is, the solutions. Go out and talk with your friends. Sometimes, the best things in life are friends and conversations. There are many wonderful things in life than focus on what we cannot control.


  • Set goals


            When you started doing something about it, you also set goals of what should change after 6 months or 1 year. Decide if you want to have the same situation or if you want something else that is better for you. Write down your goals. Start small steps towards your goal, whether it be saving your money and invest in business so that you can go home and spend time with your family or continue education to further your range and find a better job near home. Whatever it is, know that it may take time, but baby steps are significant ingredients to the bigger goal.


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